Co Founder & Chairman

Ms. Sarbani Das

It gives me immense pleasure in welcoming you to Gandhi Institute of Management Technology,(GIMT) Kolkata. While Education, Training and Research are going through a phase of total metamorphism, recognizing and managing shifting paradigms, with the help of the enormous leaps of technology, is the need of the hour. Our vision is to create an Institution par excellence, for imparting quality management education and sharing knowledge with all of you. Our motto, “Global Mindset – Indian Roots”,permeates every aspect and activity at GIMT KOLKATA.

Over the past 10 years, GIMT has successfully imbibed several of the proven best practices from the best global business schools, adapted them to make them better suited to Indian realities and introduced many of its own innovations in management education. Together, these have ensured that an educational experience at GIMT is truly transformational for thousands of aspiring and experienced management professionals as evidenced by the performance of our alumni across several countries worldwide. GIMT has been very proactive in recognizing the global trends and shifts in the business landscape and has been pioneering several innovations to keep management education in tune with these shifts. This includes development of focused programs in sectors that are undergoing massive transformations such as Energy and IT or emerging areas such as Business Analytics. GMS is also embracing internet and mobile technology enabled blended and online learning and is making high quality management education available to large populations of learners with convenience and affordability.

Entrants to GIMT Kolkata reflect the best of our youth and cultural diversity of this nation. We welcome you to become our partners in sharing our dream, vision and our journey.